W: Alan, are you going to be in your office Wednesday afternoon?
M: No. Why?
W: I wondered if I could work there. My office is being painted then.
M: You're in luck, Susan. I'll be out until Friday morning.
W: That's great. I've got. to get my project done by Thursday afternoon.
1. What did the woman ask the man?
A. Whether he could let her use his office.
B. Whether he had to work on the weekend.
C. Whether he could help her with her project.
M: This book is so interesting. I'm really enjoying it.
W: What is it?
M: Tear and Blood, by Steven White. Have you read it?
W: No, I haven't.
M: Do you want to read it after I finish it?
W: Is it a novel?
M: No, it's a popular science book.
W: Oh, that's not my taste.
M: You don't like popular science at all?
W: Well, I mean, popular science films are okay, but popular science books are boring.
2. What is the man doing?
A. Reading a popular science book.
B. Making comments on a novel:
C. Watching a popular science film.
3. What does the woman think of popular science films?
A. They are dull.
B. They are okay.
C. They are interesting.
[答案]1. A 2. A 3. B
1. To make members of. a team perform better, the trainer first of all has to know their ______ and weaknesses.
A. strengths B. benefits C. techniques D. values
2. The building around the corner caught fire last night. The police are now ______ the matter.
A. seeing through B. working out C. looking into D. watching over
3. As I grew up in a small town at the foot of a mountain, the visit to the village ______ scenes of my childhood.
A. called up B. called for C. called on D. called in
[答案]l.A 2. C 3. A
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